‘The Wall’: Liminal Spaces in Education

I began working in education in 2010, when I qualified as a secondary school English teacher. I’ve worked in a number of different schools, and one thing always remains constant: when the bell rings at the end of the day, the corridors go silent, and the rooms become devoid of activity - they can be almost eerie. This isn’t to disparage any of them, far from it. If anything, it emphasises how important it is for schools to have the sound of laughter and learning in them in order to properly fulfil their purpose. When they are empty and silent, they become unearthly.

A couple of years back I watched a superb video by the great Nick Carver (https://www.nickcarverphotography.com), in which he explored empty offices and commercial spaces when photographing them for real estate clients. He taught me the phrase liminal spaces.

I was instantly fascinated, and went on to explore the work of Todd Hido (http://www.toddhido.com), in particular the work ‘House Hunting’. This also explores similar themes.

This year, almost by accident, I started photographing school when everyone had long since departed - and in doing so began a project I have called: ‘The Wall: An Exploration of Liminal Spaces in Education’.

Eventually, I may turn this work into a zine. But for now, feel free to look at the work I have created so far below…

Nick Carver’s ‘Liminal Spaces’ Videos

Please check out Nick’s work, he really is talented:


A Trip Back In Time