A Trip Back In Time

In July 2024, my dad, Martin, passed away. Although he was not a young man, his passing took me by surprise. In the aftermath, I found myself putting my feelings on hold, focused instead on the overwhelming administrative tasks that follow someone's death. I was aware of my grief, yet I struggled to find a healthy way to process it.

A few weeks later, I had the idea to revisit a part of the country where I had spent every summer with my dad during my childhood: Kent. Being from that area, he always enjoyed returning there. In particular, I wanted to visit St. Margaret's Bay, a place he consistently took me to, without exception.

Despite my desire to travel, life remained busy, and I postponed my plans until I could make the trip at my own pace, free from a time constraint. Fast forward to the October half-term, when I told my wife about my intention to do a round trip in a single day. She suggested that I stay overnight to avoid the six-hour drive while also trying to fit in some sightseeing. We agreed, and off I went.

My dad is now in our garden; his ashes rest in a large container with a tree planted in it. As a keen gardener, I liked the thought of him continuing to be part of something he loved. However, my son wanted to create a memento for 'Grandad Pollard,' so I proposed decorating some stones/pebbles. I decided to collect some large stones from the beach at St. Margaret's Bay for my children to personalize and place alongside their grandad. If my dad could not return to that beach, then the beach could come to him.

Naturally, I planned to take my camera to document the places that held significance for both my dad and me. I also intended to create prints from these photographs. The project, "A Trip Back in Time," serves as a photographic record of that journey.

Click each image to view it in its entirety.


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