Plymouth on Film

During June half-term I visited Plymouth with family. A strange place, it had both a lot of traditional buildings that held a lot of beauty, as well as more run-down areas that felt tired and in need of refreshment.

I took my Bessa R film camera with me and a few rolls of Kentmere 400 B&W film. I pushed it to 1600 and the grain hasn’t come out too bad.

The Bessa R is a great camera - the light meter is very reliable and always seemed spot-on. I took a selection of lenses with me, but mainly used the Voigtlander 35mm Ultron f/1.7.

I find a rangefinder really easy to carry about, but must confess I missed the viewfinder of an SLR.

Anyway, here’s the photos:

As you can see, there are some good spots for photography, you just need to get out of the centre of town.

I was happy with the performance of the lenses, but with film getting ever more expensive to buy and develop, I will have to be more restrained in future!


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